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Master Group

Master S.r.l. con Socio Unico

S.P.37 Conversano - Castiglione Km. 0,700 Z.I.
70014 Conversano (BA) – ITALY CP 112
Tel.: +39 080 4959823
P. IVA 03620970727

Master Italy S.r.l.

Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Master s.r.l.
s.p.37 Conversano-Castiglione km. 0,570 - z.i.
70014 Conversano (Bari) Italy - C.P. 112
Tel.:+39 080 4959823 Fax.: +39 080 4959030
P. IVA 07780290727

MasterLAB S.r.l.

Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Master s.r.l.
S.P.37 Conversano - Castiglione km. 0,7 [z.i.]
70014 Conversano (Bari) Italy - C.P. 112
Tel +39 080 4955957
Assistenza clienti 366 2488323
P. IVA 06835770725

Master West Africa Sarl

Abidjan, Marcory, Zone 4 - 19 Rue Marconi
P. IVA +225 27 21 519526

Master Polska Sp. z o.o.

Michała Drzymały 133c, 41-407 Imielin, Poland
NIP: 6762481805

Phone number

+39 0804959823


Master Italy Srl

Master Srl


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How to reach us

By car

From the North: A14 Milano-Bari highway/A16 Roma-Bari highway 

Take Bari Nord exit (for Brindisi). Drive on the S.S. 16 Bari-Brindisi and take the exit Cozze/Conversano.

Proceed for about 1km on Str. Prov. Conversano-Putignano and take the detour for Torre di Castiglione.


By plane

Bari Palese Airport (40 Km)

Shuttle connection from the airport to Bari Centrale Railway Station; take the Ferrovie del Sud Est train to Conversano.

Or by car: take the S.S. 16 Bari-Brindisi (direction Brindisi), and take the exit Cozze/Conversano. Drive for about 1km on Str.Prov. Conversano-Putignano and take the detour to Torre di Castiglione.

Brindisi Airport (60 Km)

Shuttle connection from the airport to Bari Centrale Railway Station; take the Ferrovie del Sud Est train toConversano.
Or by car: take the S.S. 16 Bari-Brindisi (direction Bari), and take the exit Cozze/Conversano. Drive for about 1km on Str.Prov. Conversano-Putignano and take the detour to Torre di Castiglione.

By train

Bari Centrale Railway Station

Change for Ferrovie del Sud Est train to Conversano.

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