

The following documentation must be forwarded to retailers, intermediaries, builders and end users

  • Technical documentation
  • Product catalogues
  • Assembly instructions
  • User and maintenance manuals

Ensuring that what is forwarded has been updated to the latest company amendment.

The whole of this material, or parts of it (should a few information sheets not be available) will be called, in brief, “information on the product”.
In order to preserve the relevant functions of the balcony windows and doors:

  • Engineers and designers are required to request and comply with the “information on the product” from the manufacturers or authorized dealers
  • Specialist retailers are required to respect the manufacturers’ “information on the product” and, in particular, to forward it to dealers and/or subsequent manufacturers, and to notify them that they are obliged to forward them to their clients.
  • Manufacturers of windows and doors are required to observe the “information on the product” and in particular to forward the maintenance instructions
    and operational manuals to the builders and the end users.

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