

Should the Customer, after receiving Products, notice a non-compliance, he shall communicate any claims for faults or apparent defects in writing to MASTER within 8 (eight) days from the date he found out the defect. The defective Products shall be send back to MASTER, along with the proof of purchase (invoice and/or document of transport). MASTER, following the received complaint, reserves the right to make its own assessment on the basis of the samples provided and of an inspection, if necessary. In case the defect has actually been ascertained, any defective item will be replaced at charge of MASTER. No agent and/or distributor and/or any other person of MASTER are authorized to give further guarantees other than those provided for in these Conditions. In any case, the liability of MASTER and the liability of its agents and/or distributors and/or other third party, should not exceed the sale price of the Product. This does not include the expenses related to the removal and/or replacement of the claimed Product.

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