

Since the beginning, Master Group pays attention to organizational, product, process innovation, knowing that excellent results rise from attitude, dedication, competence and passion. Important investments are made every year for the evolution of an organizational system and a process made of research, study and training, with a particular attention to sustainable growth of our employees, quality of the materials used, technology research about products and processes.

Vision and willingness to innovate is put into practice in three fields:



    Master Italy Process System, a dynamic collection of lean methods and techniques that have to be used in different fields and of the best practices, inspirational for new projects. Safety, environment, constant improving and innovation, digital transformation and developing everyone’s competences are MIPS’s keywords.



    It isn’t just a motto, but a company philosophy. Nowadays we talk about Enterprise 4.0, where enterprise isn’t just machines and processes, but above all it’s about people with an organization in common. We strongly believe that people are the center of every process of change involving our company. 



    Research & development centre with testing laboratory, since 2008 it has been engaged in innovation, legislative development about windows and doors, and markets that change faster and faster;

banner Master Italy Process System


Since 2013, Master has decided to choose a program of constant improvement in order to guarantee our customers’ satisfaction and managing the complex world of a company.

Master’s improvement program is based on lean thinking, that is fighting against waste through the simplification of all processes, engaging employees and encouraging synchronic fluxes of process. In support of these activities there are technologies, that is automations, machines, and integrated systems, that enable to keep all the right working conditions and real time performance analysis (Smart Factory).

In this way, improvement takes bigger and bigger challenges. In 2018, after 5 years of lean thinking, and important investments in automation and digitalization of all processes, our company capitalized these experiences with Master Italy Process System, that is a dynamic collection of methods and techniques, of development tools for human resources, and best practices to be used as an inspiration for new projects. The keywords of Master Italy Process System are safety, environment, constant improving and innovation, digital transformation and developing everyone’s competences.

immagine innovazione Master Italy


The secret of our success?
Our extraordinary team!

The quality of people’s work is the company added value. People who live the companies, are those that will help to define the business future. The solutions are not outside the company, solutions are inside the company, help work teams to enable the competences to face the continuous changes that are affecting every sector. We have not ready recipes to apply, there are attempts to do, failures to face, challenges that only cohesive teams can win.

I believe in the main rule of innovation: to give people skills and methods that enable them to play the game.

immagine innovazione Master Italy

PEOPLE Make INNOVATION | The Manifesto

Innovation comes from collaboration.

Our factory 4.0 is “human oriented”, where what changes, more than
technology, is the organizational models which foresee an active and proactive
role of people.
More creativity, involvement and responsibility are the values that put our
workers at the centre.
We believe in a business culture that stimulates experimentation, the prototyping
of ideas, and the “intelligent errors” which allow us to continue with better
The new factory needs more talent and less physical strength.
The human been is at the centre of business processes and uses technology as a
simple tool to be free from the less rewarding tasks of the job. Because in Master will not replace humans but will assist them. For the success of the factory of the future, people must be at the centre, both as the creative force of change and as the main actors in the realization of ideas.

immagine innovazione Master Italy

People Have The Power | Il manifesto

A factory without man is impossible.

Our factory 4.0 is a “humanizing factory”, in which – more than technology – it’s organizational models with an active and propositive role of the people, that change.

More creativity, involvement and responsibility: these are the values that place our people at the center.

We believe in an enterprise culture that stimulate experimentation, prototyping of the ideas, the “smart mistake” that enables to go on with a better solution.

The new factory needs more talent and less physical strength. We need intuition and listening, crucial to achieve the leadership style that has to face this new 4.0 challenge.

Human presence in Master is the center of the company’s processes and uses technology as a mere tool to set Man free from the less rewarding tasks to do at work, and leave more space to problem solving and initiative. Because robots will not replace man, but they will support us.

Man must learn control and manage robots’ work. In order for the factory of the future to succeed, the person must be at the center, both as a moving force for change and as a main actor in the realization of ideas.

And that’s why we believe that in our factory the person will be more more at the center of the new industrial revolution.

“Because a series of machines can do the job of three hundred ordinary men, but no machine con do the job of an extraordinary team”.

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