The innovation regarding material used in the fabrication of doors and windows means also bigger glass and enlarged profile sizes, with a following demand of top performing accessories. For this reason Master realized “DUEPUNTOZERO 130 kg” (Picture 1), the new tilt and turn with 130 kg load capacity, instead of 80 kg. The new tilt and turn is the result of the latest design project techniques. MasterLab, by using a special software for the calculation of finite elements (i.e. FEM), have recreated limit use conditions, evaluating static and dynamic load of the entire tilt and turn system, in order to realize very resistant hinges (Picture 2 – Picture 3). The fixing of the lower hinge has been improved by using a reinforcement plate with “T” hook (Fig. 4). The assembly operation of this new component is easy and effective: insert the reinforcement plate in the rod groove of the lower profile, then insert the corner plate (the one with two threads and a centering pin for hinge) in the rod groove, paying attention to match the “T” hook of the two elements (Picture 5 – Picture 6), tighten the pre-assembled setscrews (Picture 7), screw the hinge wing to the corner plate (Picture 8). The new ” DUEPUNTOZERO 130 Kg” T&T can be adjusted both in height (+ 3mm) with a setscrew incorporated in the corner plate (Picture 9), and in space (+ / – 1 mm) with a setscrew on the side of the lower hinge (Picture 10). It is also possible to adjust the upper lateral sash, by means of a setscrew on the rail of the stainless steel arm. Moreover, the brass eccentrics on the perimeter of the sash, allow also the pressure adjustment (+ / – 1 mm) (Picture 11). “DUEPUNTOZERO 130 Kg” T&T has been tested in MasterLAB laboratories according to the norm UNI EN 13126-8-2006. The new tilt and turn system is available for Euro Groove profiles, in all colours, including special finishes. More load capacity, easier mounting operations and more adjustment options, make this product the evolution of Master tilt and turn system.

18 March 2010