Master introduces new upgrades for the WiCloud system, the invisible and intelligent automation system for windows. Presented at the beginning of 2013, in 3 versions: WiCloud, WiCloud RC, and WiCloud AR, the product line has already been revolutionized during the year with additional variations. Among the latest improvements, the following immediately come to the foreground: the actuator lock version with the mechanical electro-lock, WiLock, and the WiCloud WOOD adaptor, which can even be installed on wooden and wood-aluminum frames. Moreover, all the WiCloud versions are now equipped with standard “easy plug” electrical connectors for a quick and easy connection between the electro-lock and the actuator, but also between the actuator and the power supply.Another new feature for all versions of the system that are equipped with a wireless control (RC, RC-Lock, and AR) is the option of activating the actuator with the setting up of a simple switch control. “Exchanging opinions with our clients made us evaluate the possibility to have both the switch version, as well as the wireless control version”, explained Engineer Lorenzo Lafronza, technical director for Masterlab. “According to this system, for instance, it will be possible with a simple switch, to action every single window, while with the wireless control, the opening and closing can be programed as well as the simultaneous activation of a group of windows (up to 30 different groups).”Additionally, the WiCloud AR version can also be combined with the WEEN system components, the new program for simple, modular, and green tilt systems. In fact, WEEN contributes towards obtaining credits for the LEED® certification, the international design, construction, and management standard for sustainable buildings in high-performance geographical areas. Furthermore, Master was the first company in the field of frame accessories to sign a voluntary agreement with the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and Sea, where it undertakes to implement actions for improving and reducing CO2 emissions.Integrated automation, functionality, and respect for the environment are ultimately the key directives of the evolution of Master products, which find application in the last release of the WiCloud system, worth discovering thanks to a series of short technical videos available on Master Tube, Master’s new Web Tech TV for the world of the window frames.

WiCloud, the invisible and intelligent automation
15 January 2015